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Laila has a 28-week treatment plan that includes aggressive weekly chemotherapy, surgery and radiation. 

Her first chemo treatment was on May 13th and it was a combo of two chemo medications.

Chemo now takes place every Wednesday morning. 

There is a CT Scan scheduled for June 18th. IF the tumor has shrunk enough/is no longer pressing against Laila's aorta, they will operate to remove her kidney and tumor on June 22.


If the tumor has not shrunk enough they will try for surgery again at 12 weeks. 


Regardless of when the tumor and kidney are removed, Laila will continue with weekly chemo until the end of the year - to round our the 28 weeks. 


In addition, she will undergo a week of radiation. 


She has a long, marathon of a treatment plan ahead, but we are confident she will get through this and live a wonderful life with one kidney! 

For updates, follow along with our blog.





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